rest of week....

Weds. - gymnastics practice: handstand push-ups; practiced balance, finding hollow and did a couple (not in a row) HSPU's with only 3 tablets!

Thursday- CFE 3 x 1 mile at 80% 90% & 100% @5am (kids out of school so came in early)   1- 8:15 2- 7:54 3- 7:45
I ran with Suzi, she kicked my butt on last one- guess that is why they call her Zoomer  =]

Friday- Chelsea
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
each minute on the minute for 30 minutes

I did 3 rds. rx'd then dropped to 3-6-9 was able to finish all rounds at this pace. My problem was with the push-ups.  My arms got tired!

Tomorrow- 100 yd hill repeats x 16 at Edison Bridge....

Sunday- REST!

Can't help but wonder what is in store for the next phase of training!!!!!?????

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About Me

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I just turned 40 but I certainly don't feel that old. A friend gave me a koozie with the phrase Fit & 40 and it gave me a new outlook on turning 40. I have been crossfitting for about a year and a 1/2 now and I am in the best shape of my life. I am now training for the CrossFit Games 2011. On a personal note I have 4 children, 21, 14, 7, & 5. Married for 15 years!


    Personal Records

    Back Squat: 155lbs 4-2-10
    185lbs 7-28-10
    Bench Press: 113lbs 2-5-10
    125lbs 7-29-10
    Dead Lift: 195lbs 4-2-10
    240lbs 7-29-10
    Power Clean: 115lbs 4-26-10
    140lbs 7-28-10
    Press: 75lbs 4-2-10
    85lbs 7-29-10
    Push Jerk: 98lbs 3-15-10
    Power Snatch: 63lbs
    Crossfit Total: 425 4-2-10
    Fight Gone Bad 248 9-25-10

    Hero WODS

    McGhee @155lbs 12 rds + 7 p/u's
    Daniel Rx'd 24:56
    Joshua @153lbs. 31:49
    Murph Rx'd 55:21


    Fran 7:38
    Helen 11:28
    Eva 62:00 10-22-10

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