need some sleep...

Glad I was able to make the gym today... wasn't sure since I went and saw a  midnight movie and didn't get home 'til just before 3AM.  I knew 5, 6, and even 7AM was out of the question.  Was able to get there after dropping one child off at camp.  (If she didn't have camp, not sure I would have gotten out of bed!) Happy to see 80% for squats!  Tonight Dom has another all-star game.  It is in Murdock - that's far for one game.  Just as long as when we get up there it isn't rained out. 

Back Squat 3x5 @80% 113lbs
Bench press: 3x5 @ 99lbs
Dead lift: 1x5 @185lbs

Goal today: catch up on some sleep!

Good job Eleina!

Made up yesterdays strength workout today. I could NOT get up yesterday.  I really tried, just too tired, then the rest of the day too busy taking one kid here, picking up one from there, etc.  And Dom had his first all-star game last night.  They won 13-1. Next game is Weds.  They look really good!

I am officially signed up for the Gymnastics cert.  I am so excited!  I can't wait!!!! 

I felt for E today as she was doing "Air Force".  She used heavy weights and didn't give up - though I know she thought about it.  Way to stick it out girl! Great work.

Back Squat: 3x5 @142lbs
Press: 3x5 @90% 66lbs
Clean: 5x3 @90% 93lbs

Goal today:  veggies, veggies, veggies!

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False grip practice and misc.

Had a great afternoon skill practice during the rain in my garage.  Rae-Lee and Vincent came out with me and we had fun.  We opened the garage doors, they swung on rings, I practiced my false grip, they hula-hooped and jumped rope, I did a few strict pull-ups, but it was fun.  Definitely need to do more often. Tried to get Dom out there with us, but he preferred to take the golf cart over to a buddies house. Tomorrow night is his first all-star game.  All of his team mates are going to the barber at noon tomorrow to either dye their hair red and blue or get a mohawk.....  they haven't decided yet.  I think it is great for the team to do it together, it is summer and will grow back in no time.  He will have great memories from this.  He is growing so fast.  We just got his schedule for freshman year. 

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Finally went for a run!

Even though I was stood up by my girls...  :o[ sniff sniff....  I still ran this AM.  I debated as I sat in my car waiting for S and E to show up.   I tossed around the idea of just going home but decided since I was there I should still run.  I ran 3 easy miles ranging between 9:45- 8:30 min miles.  I am so glad I went, it felt great!! (afterward).   I saw OCD, Spaz, Monica and friend so I got to chat with them for a bit.  My new shoes felt great on my feet. 

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Week flew by...

It's Friday!  Planning on doing my first run in AM since starting the starting strength program . Nothing drastic, just a few miles. (Well that is if I don't stay out too late tonight, have a friend from high school in town and could be trouble!)  

Back Squat 3x5 @80% 112lbs
Bench press: 3x5 @ @ 90% 87lbs
Dead lift: 1x5 @180lbs

OHS- shit!

It is really hard to believe that I have been at CF for over a year and have never done an overhead squat... must be either I missed that day or I was doing a modified workout when I was injured... whatever the case may be, today I got to do them.  I must admit I was nervous about the workout:
Rx is 63 lbs
20 Thrusters
20 Push Jerk
20 OHS
20 Front squats
@ 16k
on the minute 6 KBS
especially since I hadn't done OHS.  I went in, warmed up and then went through each of the movements.  The OHS felt good with the "training bar" which may be 15lbs.???  Put heavier weights on there and then I start swaying.  I started to freak out mentally since everyone else in the starting strength program Rx'd it, and I couldn't control that weight.  So Coach noticed me pacing and thinking too much... yelled at me to get focused, I went outside had a melt down, came in, focused, ready to do the WOD.  (after waiting for JB, who by the way takes forever to get ready...  :o}) 3, 2, 1, go....  took me 6 sets to get the OHS done....OHS, 3 then 6 KB swings, 3 OHS, 6KB swings, 3 OHS, 6KB swings, 3 OHS, 6 KB swings, 3 OHS, 6 KB swings, 5 OHS, (with a lot of grunting..)
I used 53lbs and my time was 13:55? 

Goal today:  relax by pool with a few beers!

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6AM, the New 8AM!

It was awesome to see my 8AM girls this morning!  It feels like I haven't seen them much since starting the Starting Strength program.  Was at the box a little longer then usual since I had catching up to do with the gilrs when I got there.  Great job girls on Nancy! Especially you Patty and running- nice! 

I am making small jumps in my lifts, but I can't get discouraged because I am still moving up, though maybe only 1lbs at a time.  I do get discouraged that my lifts seem to be so far behind everyone else, but I can only do what I can do and when I do, do my best. 

Food has been up and down.  I mistakenly bought the new mint Oreos. OMG!  If you like the thin mint girl scout cookies, you will love these!  I can't buy them any more.  Dangerous!  I am eating a lot of fruit but I really need to eat more veggies.  That is probably the biggest problem with food I am having.  I am not concerned with my weight, I am more concerned about performance and recovery.  

Back Squat: 3x5 @141lbs
Press: 3x5 @74lbs
Clean: 5x3 @104lbs

Goal today:  get to Publix and buy veggies. 

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Rest day = skills practice.

Met Abomb this AM for some muscle-up and handstand push-up practice.  I need to work on my false grip, this will help me exert less energy when doing the the muscle up.  Still about 4 inches from floor on HSPU's.  They are hard!  I am setting a goal to be able to do one in two months! 

Thanks HipKitty for the treats, Wilson loves them!

Goal today:  drink more water and less coffee.

No 5am for me... too tired!

Went to gym at 8.  Nobody there but Socks (well and Coach, but he's always there).  I miss my 8am crew! I miss the chit chat and especially miss the breakfasts and coffee!  Only 6 more weeks of the starting strength program.  Hopefully meeting ABomb and maybe the HipKitty tomorrow morning for skills practice.  :o]

Today was a good day...
Back Squat 3x5 @80% 112lbs
Bench press: 3x5 @ 97lbs
Dead lift: 1x5 @180lbs

Goal today:  no sugar... 

90% Friday- 100% effort!

Had a great time riding yesterday.  Only ran into one tree stump, got a couple scratches, and two bruises above my right knee.  It was muddy from the rain so going down some of the steep hills my back bike tire would slip out from under me but thankfully always landed on something soft!   Going again in two weeks.  All are welcome to come join in the fun! 
 Picture of new belt!

Back Squat: 3x5 @140lbs
Press: 3x5 @90% 65lbs
Clean: 5x3 @90% 92lbs

Goal today:  NO sugar!

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Very sore from Tuesday's lame attempt at snatches.  Today, a rest day but can't resist... going out to the alva trails again riding bikes! 

Wednesday's workout:
Back Squat 3x5 @80% 111lbs
Bench press: 3x5 @90% 85lbs
Dead lift: 1x5 @175lbs

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Ok, I imagine everyone has a least favorite lift.  I know the girls of 8AM, each of us have the one lift that we struggle with.  Well for me it is the snatch.  I don't know what it is, but I STRUGGLE with it bad.  Every other lift I like and can perform ok, but this one- yikes... horrible.  I tend to think way to much about the move and I mess it up.  Today the DWOD was:

Hang Power Snatch @ 63/95lbs
Pull Ups
My time was:  22:09
It took me almost double the time it took others but I didn't quit or drop weight. (I really tried Coach!)  Most of my snatches became presses.  Pull-ups were fine, but not the other.  There were a few times I actually did the lift correctly and it felt good.  Notice I said a few!  My upper body is tired though from pressing.

Goal today:  not dwell that my snatch lift is terrible! 

Happy to be at gym, even at 5AM on Monday morn.

Moving up in the world 1 pound at a time!  Only made one minor mistake this morning.  Normally on Monday mornings, that early, I make a few.  But only one today, and it wasn't even a bad one....  I was happy to be there this morning since I had to miss Friday.  :o(  
Can't help but wonder what tomorrow's DWOD is going to be.... not posted yet.... 

Blinged up (not bedazzled) my WL belt. Left it at gym. I'll have to take a picture tomorrow and post it!

Back Squat: 3x5 @139lbs
Press: 3x5 @73lbs
Clean: 5x3 @102lbs

Goal today: protein, protein protein! 

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I'm beat!

Today was a great workout. I am tired.  I feel a nap coming on later... and I don't usually nap. (Especially since Dom wants me to take him and his buddies to see the A-Team tonight at midnight.)   It was good doing a WOD or actually two I guess.  I started to get sick to my stomach towards the end of the second one.  I just slowed down a bit and kept going.  There was a nice little breeze going in the alley this morning while doing the "Death by 10 Meters" which helped.  Those start easy but get tough!

DWOD #1) 
"Death by ten meters" 
Recover as needed then 
 Score: 14

DWOD #2) 
AMRAP in 15 minutes of 
15 box jumps @ 20" 
10 push-ups 
5 pull-ups
7 rds + 4 push-ups 

Goal today: avoid sugar......!

Back to gym today!

Feeling much better!  Went and saw A-bomb then the chiropractor.  (btw, Abomb if you see this I have something for you!)  It is so nice to be able to move my head again.  Pinched nerves are no fun.  Still have a little pain but 1000 times better.
 I am so bummed that I am not as sore as everyone else.  It may sound a little crazy but I feel left out that I didn't get to do Hansen Saturday.  :o{  I know it was a tough wod, but I don't like to miss those.  Especially because I know I can't make two other ones because I will be out of town.  Also, because of starting strength workouts, I am realllllly missing the CFFM wods.  I am looking forward to tomorrow since we are doing an AMRAP!!!!  and NO SQUATS!  
Since I missed Monday and Tuesday was a rest day, I decided to go out to the Caloosahatchee Park in Alva and ride my bike on the trails yesterday.  That was so much fun!  I only flipped over my handle bars once and feel about four times.  I haven't been out there in a long time, I forget how steep some of those hills are.  Can't wait to get out there again!

My WL belt finally came! Can't wait to "customize" it!  I'll post a picture when I am finished. 

Back Squat 3x5 @ 138lbs
Bench press: 3x5 @90% 85lbs
Dead lift: 1x5 @175lbs

Goal today: eat better then yesterday.

NOT happy. :o{

Not a good workout for me this morning... I guess they are bound to happen, just don't like it. This makes the realization of my age more apparent. Back squats went fine, then jumped one pound on the press, with a little grunting, I was able to do them, well all except the very last one. However, on the second set of presses I did something to my left shoulder/neck area. It feels like a pinched nerve. It doesn't hurt when I am not moving only when I move a certain way. And some movements bring about a really sharp pain. So needless to say I was warming up to do my power cleans and it was bothering me too much that I couldn't finish my work sets. 

Here's a picture of one of my new socks! 

Back Squat: 3x5 @138lbs
Press: 3x5 @73lbs *failed last rep of last set
Clean: 5x3 @ 0 :o[

Goal today: figure out how to fix shoulder!

Thanks Coach- 80%!!!!

Boy was I excited at the gym this morning when I saw that we only had to do 80% of our back squat! My body is sore from yesterday. Tomorrow is rest day! Wore my new socks I made this morning... pretty cute!

Back Squat 3x5 @ 80% 110lbs
Bench press: 3x5 @95lbs
Dead lift: 1x5 @175lbs

Goal today: eat lots of protein!!!

Good workout today... I'm tired!!

I didn't like having an extra day off, though I know rest is good. I tend to feel lazy and eat too much. I did get a little workout stand up paddle boarding though at the beach with family for Memorial Day.
This morning was a good workout.  It took awhile too. 

Back Squat: 3x5 @138lbs
Press: 3x5 @72lbs
Clean: 5x3 @100lbs

Strength DWOD
3 rds of handstand hold, max time  *each one over a minute, (don't know exact because the clock with seconds hand was not on wall?)
4 rds of supine ring pull ups, max reps  total 40- 10 each round
5 rds of paralette push-ups, max reps total 50- 10 each round
rest as needed between rounds

Goal today: eat paleo and rest!

Forgot to post Friday

I forgot to post my weights from Friday. So here they are...

Back squat: 3x5 @137lbs
Bench press: 3x5 @95lbs
Dead lift: 1x5 @170lbs

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    Personal Records

    Back Squat: 155lbs 4-2-10
    185lbs 7-28-10
    Bench Press: 113lbs 2-5-10
    125lbs 7-29-10
    Dead Lift: 195lbs 4-2-10
    240lbs 7-29-10
    Power Clean: 115lbs 4-26-10
    140lbs 7-28-10
    Press: 75lbs 4-2-10
    85lbs 7-29-10
    Push Jerk: 98lbs 3-15-10
    Power Snatch: 63lbs
    Crossfit Total: 425 4-2-10
    Fight Gone Bad 248 9-25-10

    Hero WODS

    McGhee @155lbs 12 rds + 7 p/u's
    Daniel Rx'd 24:56
    Joshua @153lbs. 31:49
    Murph Rx'd 55:21


    Fran 7:38
    Helen 11:28
    Eva 62:00 10-22-10

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